Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Year New Me


Welcome 2014 bye 2013
          Another year has just ended and a new year has just began. The departure of year 2013 and ,in the same, the arrival of 2014 have recently occurred. Every year,People around the world celebrate this annual event with merrymaking. Colorful fireworks covering the sky, loud noises echoing midst the  night and people exchanging "Happy New Year!" greetings- these are common observations during New Year. And during this occasion, people make promises to adjust themselves or what they called "New Year's resolution". In order to keep up to this world, we must adapt ourselves so that we can overcome the challenges that we will encounter. Consider making your own resolution this year. It's still the first month so it's still not too late to plan some changes to yourself. Think about it.
          2013 was alright for me. It was almost perfect but still I want to remove two unfavorable habits in me that nearly brought me down. One is that every meal, it always take me more than thirty minutes to finish my food. My parents always scold me because by the time I finish, the plates are already washed. I promise that I will eat my foods faster to keep up with them. Another practice is when there's a requirement at school , I always go at the last hour or minute. I promise to pass my requirement early and slowly erase this habit.
          This 2014, I believed that there's nothing else to be changed so I will just go on with my old self. All I can do for sure is to improve myself. To do this, I have to follow the requirements needed for these improvements. First, I want to gain weight. I'm tall but thin so I need to fatten up to balance them both. This way I'll be healthier and free from diseases. I'll gain weight by not missing a single fixed time meals and not leaving a single food on my plate to waste and having a regular exercise. Second, I want to use most of my time wisely. I realized that I always dawdle by watching TV and playing computer games so instead, I'll use that time to review my notes and finish my assignments. And finally, I want to attain better grades. I'm satisfied with my grades but still I want to make them higher. I will study harder and participate more in class so that I can maintain my position.
          Most people can't keep their promises throughout the year but I believe that I can do it. If this happens, I will consider it one of my greatest achievements.

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