Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Letter to the President of the Philippines

Dear Mr. President,
               May grace and peace be yours.
               I wrote this letter to let you know how I appreciate what you said in a newspaper that "change is tangible". This maybe true and you firmly believe that there is really change that is happening under your administration. And I admire your mission and vision of having this change. I realized how sincere you are to impose good governance among your subordinates. What is important for me to know is that, are all these people ruling under their respective areas have the same aspiration like yours? And are they really following the "straight path" which your administration advertised during your campaign period? I'm pretty glad to learn that Philippines under Aquino government is moving forward to more serious development.
               Good luck and more power!

                                                                                                                                         Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                                                                        Alexis Noel Paet